And saying that, he knows he’ll get 10 more years out of life than he would have without Jenny Craig. So again, a deeply misleading ad and statement and sentiment. And as we all know, Barry Humphries died in 2023. Not long ago, in 2013. In the USA, Jenny Craig announced that it was going to stop using celebrity endorsements because they all say the same thing. Like it’s pretty boring. Like I use Jenny Craig and I lost weight. And they said that they were going to try different ways of marketing and advertising. But of course, no one told Australia and Jenny Craig hit Magnus Urbanski up again. So I think they realized that the Bansky was their most fruitful, most profitable ambassador and they really wanted to get her back. So they went begging caffeine hand and she rejected it. But then she accepted it. And this acceptance, I don’t know if it had anything to do with it. But this acceptance happened after she’d come out as a gay woman on TV in February 2012. It might have something to do with that it might have something to do with the amount of money she was offered. So the woman’s weekly article said that she was offered $1.25 million to come back, which is just an astonishing amount of money. What’s really sad is that when Magda came back on board with Jenny Craig and did the dutiful PR stuff, so lots of radio and TV interviews, she’s clearly blaming herself for regaining all of the weight that she’d lost on the Jenny Craig program. She’s sort of blaming that she broke her ribs. she’s blaming something called calorie amnesia. She says, you know, you’re busy, you’ve got long hours and it just creeps up. And then when you put the weight on, of course, you don’t want to get off the couch and you don’t want to exercise she said, it just gains momentum, your portions get bigger again, and you start to forget calorie amnesia as they call it. So she’s back on board with Jenny she’s dutifully blaming herself for the weight regain. But less than six months later, she was sacked again by Jenny Craig because she was reaching her goal weight. Now there was a lot of publicity around this time about them parting ways and of course Guess who gets thrown under the bus it’s not Jenny Craig and their ineffective product it is Magda extremely talented and amazing human being some of the commentary from particularly from breakfast radio people like Maddy, John’s were just so cruel, saying that she shouldn’t get rewarded for getting fat again, it was just an awful display of Australian fat phobia at its finest. So Jenny Craig spokespeople released a statement in 2014, saying Jenny Craig and Magda Sanski can confirm that their working relationship will not be continuing. Magda will pursue her weight loss journey privately due to confidentiality were unable to discuss this matter. So no one is saying who ended it or why it ended. But in 2019 on a TV interview, Magda said that she was sacked and humiliated by Jenny Craig because she didn’t reach the terms of her contract. It’s really really awful treatment of someone who is a national treasure the fat phobia demonstrated by gala level press, the complete lack of curiosity from the media in general about what is going on when this is so clearly a cycle for almost all celebrity weight loss ambassadors it’s just unforgivable, is another train wreck example of Jenny Craig so in in 2017, they decided to pay Brendan for Viola who was an Aussie footballer. He was fat. He was posted sporting career and now a dad so he stopped Did lots of wildly conflicting reports about his starting weighed about 127 kilos, and he wanted to get down to 103 kilos, which that’s a that’s a fair whack of weight loss. During his time he lost significant amounts of weight. So he lost 16 kilos, and his contract said that he had to lose weight for six months. And then for the subsequent year, he needed to stay at that lower weight. He needed to stay within a two kilo range, and he needed to attend Jenny Craig for monthly weigh ins. So in a radio interview in 2023, he’s actually talking about what he needed to do in order to make those weight limits each month. He’s definitely not just eating Jenny Craig food and showing up and he’s talking about fasting for extended periods, and doing really intense things like frequently visiting saunas and steam rooms and going for a really long walk. And he’s saying for about a week he virtually didn’t eat, he ended up getting nosebleeds because he was just so physically frail. And then on the radio, he says, quote, there’s a great outcome. I woke up the morning of I went and weighed in I got to 107 they all clapped and said well done. Next to the Jenny Craig, no word of a lie. There’s a McDonald’s and after every weigh in, I’d go and cheat myself. I went in and bought two chickens a Big Mac, Logitech, smash the first chicken and almost spewed I got my weight. I got my cash. Yep. That’s the dream of Jenny Craig. That’s absolutely how people end up when they’ve been restricted for long periods of time. They’re just going to go and eat and eat and eat. And there’s absolutely no judgment here from me about him going straight to Mac as good on him. But once again, we can see this thread of the problem is the person and no one’s really saying that the problem is the restriction. And of course Brenton is now regained all of the weight that he lost on Jenny Craig plus more. The pain goes on. However, we still got a current Jenny Craig celebrity weight loss ambassador, don’t really know what’s happening to her now that Jenny Craig has gone broke. But she’s definitely the current darling and still very much in the honeymoon phase with Jenny Craig. So she was signed on in September 22. For those who don’t know, Casey Donovan, she’s a First Nations singer. She’s an incredible singer. She won Australian Idol when she was just 16 years old. She’s just amazing. And she is a fat person. So once she was introduced to the Jenny Craig ambassador, she was introduced, having already lost seven kilos in the first month. And she is saying that she wanted to lose 20 kilos, because she wanted to start a family with her girlfriend. And again, here’s another kind of thread you know, getting women at vulnerable times in their lives. Being told that you have to be smaller in order to have children is just it’s a devastating thing in November 22, so very soon after signing on, she’s announcing excitedly on Instagram that she now weighs under 100 kilos for the first time in her life. She says quote, Jenny Craig is a life changing lifestyle thing. You’re not just trying to fit into a dress for a day, you’re trying to fit into a dress forever. Donovan said, that’s one thing I really loved about the program is support and feeling great about myself. Now a lot of people in this weight loss honeymoon will sound like this. She’s been in it for a few months, she’s seen radical weight change. And like many people who have always been larger feeling like you’ve got this kind of magic ticket to thin town feels amazing. It feels like you know the ticket to love and acceptance and fertility and all of the things that you want out of life. But I’m, I’m a bit worried about Casey, because I’m seeing some warning signs for her as well. So I in a article in the Canberra weekly, it says she has set herself a goal to reach the 20k weight loss mark through Jenny Craig. Before starting with the company and using other methods of weight loss, she managed to get down from 136 kilos. And now she really wants to test herself. Quote, being in double digits. I just thought you know what, why not try and get down to 90 kilos and give it a real crack and reset your body. We all know our bodies, and they all want to take us back to a safe number. So I just want to retrain my body. She says, Oh, that worries me, Casey, because this is starting to sound like an eating disorder. What an eating disorder does is set your goal weight set you kind of a benchmark and then when you hit that benchmark, it says let’s go let’s keep going let’s go down further. And that is not a sign of health. That is a sign of potentially something really troubling there. So it’s, it’s a bit of a worry. So that’s our recap everyone. We’ve just talked about six different celebrity weight loss ambassadors here in In Australia, we have one of them who was always thin. To begin with, she’s the only one who’s stuck around. And she’s the only one who’s maintained a lower weight on the Jenny Craig program, though Lord knows if she’s still eating it over the five fat people that have been involved with Jenny Craig, the majority of them back to their higher weight, one of them Casey is still in that honeymoon period. So the regain phase hasn’t happened yet. And poor old rebel who knows what’s going on with her. But there’s definitely a very deliberate attempts to suppress her weight there. So a celebrity weight loss ambassador is not the sparkly lasting, the an ideal even if people are paid hundreds of 1000s of dollars. And given all of the assistance that they could possibly have in the world. This is not possible. And if there’s one thing I want listeners to take away from hearing all of these stories is that if you’re struggling, losing weight using these methods, it’s not you it really is the ridiculous, ineffective diets. We have known this in our last episode, I talked about the scientific review article from Ghana and Willie, which was really questioning why we are doing these weight loss interventions and saying really calling for the end of them. This is what needs to happen. We really need an end to these dreadful weight loss companies and their dubious tactics. So what’s changing in the Australian landscape? Well, sadly, not much. I mean, Jenny Craig has gone but the living hellhole of weightwatchers is still going and still going strong. Their latest victim slash celebrity weight loss ambassador is breakfast radio show host and one half of the Kyle and Jackie O show, Jackie Oh, so she is definitely an example of the not fat celebrity weight loss ambassador. And she’s a stunning example of just how much bullshit we’re being fed when it comes to this concept. And specifically Jackie is another example of how the normal experience of short term weight loss followed by weight regain gets blamed on the customer, not the company, not the method. So during 2021, this was during all of those COVID lock downs, Jackie signed a deal to lose 10 kilos and was reportedly paid half a million dollars by Weight Watchers. So Jackie is absolutely not fat, but she’s definitely not super slim. And she’s described herself on many occasions as a yo yo Dieter, so someone who’s metabolism would definitely have been affected by going on and off diets. So what happened was on the Weight Watchers website, there’s a video where Jackie is admitting quote unquote, that she did lose 10 kilos on Weight Watchers, but then she quote, fell off the wagon and put it back on. And she says, Hey, I went through a rough patch where I wasn’t being as good as I should. And you hear that she’s blaming herself. And then she says that she started the program again and says quote, once I got back on track with the Weight Watchers program, again, like clockwork, I lost 12 kilos. I think it’s really important to know that when you fall off the wagon, you don’t beat yourself up too much. You just get back on and start again, it’s fine. Or Jackie, or you could realize that this is a fucking trap and stop doing the same thing over and over again. So this is kind of an unbelievable detail. But there’s a picture of Jackie O on the Weight Watchers website, which says that she’s lost 20 kilos. And that’s wild, because what they’ve just done is added the two sets of weight losses together, ignoring the array game period. It’s just absolutely criminal. There’s a tiny disclaimer underneath Jackie saying that actual paying customers not celebrities paid half a million dollars that can expect to lose up to one kilo a week and Results may vary, which is quite cheeky. There are in the media with Jackie O particularly. It’s very weird. There’s wildly conflicting statements about how she’s eating with the Jenny Craig deal. So in August 2022, she said, quote, carbs and wine are two of my favorite things in life. So when someone tells me that I can have those two things and still lose weight, I am on board. So here she’s really saying that she’s appreciating Jenny Craig because Jenny Craig plans allow her to have carbs and have wine, but who the hell knows what the truth is? This is the world of the weight loss celebrity Ambassador it’s all smoke and mirrors. So it gets weirder in September 2022. She claims to be anti diet. She says quote I’ve done with dieting if you diet most likely at all. comes back on because you can’t sustain it. A 47 year old told The Daily Telegraph. And that’s an interesting admission as a weight loss company ambassador, mid contract and mid weight cycle. But then in April 2023, so quite recently, she’s talking and she’s sounding really restrictive. So in a chat on her show with her co host, Carl Santa lands on live radio, she says basically, that she is sticking with smoothies, high protein and veggies and no cups. So she says quite pleased. This is really disordered. He says, I cook steak and I slice it and then I’ll just have a little sliver of steak if I’m hungry. She said, a dog would eat more says Kyle. Jackie explained that she cooks a steak and would then snack on it for several days and admitted that it took her five days to get through a whole slab of steak. This is starvation, everybody. This is absolutely different to her telling the world that she’s able to do this and have carbs and drink wine. There’s another kind of disgusting angle to all of this, which has to do with her radio partner Kyle Sandilands, who, by the way is fat. So in 2022, they were inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame during the Australian commercial radio awards. When they got up to do a speech, I’ll says, quote, I thought Jackie was my best mate. There’s obviously going to be no sex there because she’s stacked on the kilos. Gross. There’s no words, no words. And then just a few days ago, after Jackie has been talking about starving herself and taking five days to eat a piece of steak, he says this to her, quote, you finally got a decent body, your rotable again.