Louise is by nature a mild mannered clinical psychologist, but her alter ego – a FIERCE and fearless anti-diet crusader – is taking over! Louise specialises in helping people recover from disordered eating, and she’s COMPLETELY OVER trying to help people when the culture we live in is utterly sick, toxic, and screwed up when it comes to food, exercise, health, and body size.

Louise cannot for a second longer take the rampant injustice of a society obsessed with thinness and health. She can’t STAND how fat people are being treated like second class citizens. She is LIVID about the way weight science is being sold to make a buck off human misery.

And she’s SO OVER the diet bulls**t that she’s shelved her own introversion and started a podcast!

So welcome to All Fired Up!, where Louise delves deeply into diet culture and blows it the hell up! Each week we’ll meet brave and fascinating anti-diet warriors who are also fighting for equality, justice, and freedom. Join us, and get All Fired Up! about building a better world!

Click below to listen to our episodes, and make sure you subscribe on iTunes (or your favourite podcasting app), to make sure you don’t miss a minute!

New Zealand is literally OBSESSED with fitness trackers

We’re headed across the ditch to find out what on earth is going on with New Zealand’s OBSESSION with fitness trackers! Anti diet dietitian and All Blacks Fan Sarah Peck is LIVID because every time she turns around, someone is slipping her kids a fitness tracker! Not to mention the horrendous “Healthiest Schools Challenge,” in which kids as young as 5 are being forced to count their steps in a competition bound to send some kids down the rabbit hole of obsessive exercise. Hear how Sarah has fought back and even taken on New Zealand’s “king of the humans” on national tv!


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Cargo Cult Conferences And The Truth About Tapping

Nothing winds up my guest Fiona Willer like a cargo cult conference – when it LOOKS like an academic conference, SOUNDS like an academic conference, but is actually an alphabet soup of questionable people pretending to be ‘experts.’ In the “obesity” conference circuit, it seems anything goes when it comes to weight loss, no matter how ludicrous and/or downright shifty the science is!

At centre stage of the coconut fringe festival is ‘TAPPING’ for weight loss, seriously the ultimate in pseudoscientific balderdash. Don’t miss Fiona’s razor sharp review of EFT: you really won’t believe the outlandish claims of this overhyped ‘energy psychology’ trend.


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Pushing Back

This week on All Fired Up!, I share 3 incredible stories of women pushing back against diet culture bullsh*t! First up is the incredible Nicole McDermid from @theembodiedjourney on her ballsy call for action to the eating disorders community. Then, Drs Carolynne White @carolynneot and Natalie Jovanovski tell all about how they brought the weight-inclusive health approach to the attention of politicians! And finally, the story of Jessica Sanders from @re_shape_ and how she used her anger at the stats on young girls getting labiaplasty to develop a body acceptance book for pre teens!

This episode will have you punching the air and put a fire in your belly! We can all do something to push back against toxic diet culture! No matter who we are, we CAN ALL untrap from the crap!


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This week on All Fired Up! my guest is the incredible dietitian, diabetes expert & mindful eating pioneer Megrette Fletcher. She has had a GUTFUL of how diet culture is dumbing down diabetes, especially this idea that weight loss is the answer to everything! Don’t miss a fabulous deep dive into all things insulin resistant. Learn what diabetes really is, how gloriously complex it is, and how you can take a completely non-diet approach to looking after it! It really is possible to eat what you love and love what you eat with diabetes!


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Eating Disorder Treatment Centres Advertising Weight Loss???!!!

Diet culture has unleashed more fresh hell upon us, with the arrival of eating disorder treatment centres SELLING WEIGHT LOSS. An ad campaign for one of the USA’s biggest ED treatment centres looked more like an ad for JENNY FRICKIN CRAIG than a legit treatment program. My guest this week is the fiercely pissed Jennifer Rollin, eating disorder therapist and anti-diet badass, who took serious offence to this most distasteful PR move. Don’t miss this fascinating story of what happened when David meets Goliath. Is anywhere safe for ED treatment if you’re in a larger body? We have a long way to go before weight inclusive treatment is accessible to all!


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