Wegovy Is Coming…

It’s been quite some time since I wrote a blog – for most of this year I’ve been probing into the murky underworld of Big Pharma! This has been a HUGE sinkhole for time and emotional spoons, but alongside fabulous Fat Studies scholars Andrea Bombak & Patty...

A Psychologist Reviews The Dark Psychology of Noom

Noom are conducting an unprecedented marketing blitz, claiming to be a psychological approach to lasting weight loss, “designed by psychologists”. As a clinical psychologist who works with people impacted by dieting and eating disorders, I am witnessing both clients...

FFS It’s Not “Healthy At Any Size”

Recently I appeared on SBS’ Insight, talking about emotional eating. During the show, that old chestnut “… but can you really be healthy at any size?” was posed, and infuriatingly, my response was edited out. Instead, they asked Phillipa Hay, a psychiatrist...