Body Grief With Bri Campos

Body Grief With Bri Campos

Body Grief With Brianna Campos

One of the most challenging aspects of the anti-diet adventure is navigating our feelings about our bodies. As we let go of pursuing body change, it’s difficult to process the grief that can arise. In this 45 minute session, Brianna is here to answer your body image and body grief questions.

Brianna Campos: Bio

Brianna (Bri) Campos (she/her), LPC, is a licensed mental health counselor based in New Jersey. As a body image educator and the founder of Body Image With Bri, she’s passionate about all things body image and practices through the lenses of Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating. Utilizing a weight-inclusive approach, she combines her clinical skills and lived experience to teach others how to maneuver through their own individual body image exploration. She specializes in body image education including her unique framework on body grief.

Follow her on Instagram: @bodyimagewithbri and visit her online.

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