Where’s the Black Box Warning On Weight Loss Surgery?

In Australia, the weight loss surgery industry is booming. Over a 10 year period, the total number of operations has more than doubled – from 9300 in 2005 to 22,700 in 2015. And these surgeries are definitely targeting women – although “obesity” rates are...

WW Are Using Fast Track Research to Justify The Kurbo App

WW are back with another dastardly attempt to snag a customer base of lifelong weight cyclers. The launch of their Kurbo app, targeted at kids aged 8-17, really takes the biscuit. WW are repeat offenders: just last year I ranted with anti-diet dietitian Rebecca...

Mannequin Mayhem

It seems like the whole world has something to say about the larger bodied Nike mannequin, so I just had to put in my two cents as well! I am not sure if it is because I live in a body positive bubble, but it sure seems that the voices demanding inclusivity and an end...

The Fast Track Trial Pilot Study

It’s no secret that I am more than a little fired up about the Fast Track to Health trial, a weight loss experiment which is recruiting Australian teenagers for a gruelling year long semi-starvation diet. An article in The Age newspaper about the Fast Track...

Incredibly Stupid Ways to Melt Belly Fat

In diet culture, the competition to sell us stupid weight loss products is fierce. Weight loss is a massive industry, worth an absolute mozza to entrepeneurs keen to take advantage of our cultural obsession with thinness. It’s a tough sell, because literally no weight...