Louise is by nature a mild mannered clinical psychologist, but her alter ego – a FIERCE and fearless anti-diet crusader – is taking over! Louise specialises in helping people recover from disordered eating, and she’s COMPLETELY OVER trying to help people when the culture we live in is utterly sick, toxic, and screwed up when it comes to food, exercise, health, and body size.

Louise cannot for a second longer take the rampant injustice of a society obsessed with thinness and health. She can’t STAND how fat people are being treated like second class citizens. She is LIVID about the way weight science is being sold to make a buck off human misery.

And she’s SO OVER the diet bulls**t that she’s shelved her own introversion and started a podcast!

So welcome to All Fired Up!, where Louise delves deeply into diet culture and blows it the hell up! Each week we’ll meet brave and fascinating anti-diet warriors who are also fighting for equality, justice, and freedom. Join us, and get All Fired Up! about building a better world!

Click below to listen to our episodes, and make sure you subscribe on iTunes (or your favourite podcasting app), to make sure you don’t miss a minute!

Bright Line Eating: Rezoom Part 3

Don’t miss Part 3 of our deep dive into Bright Line Eating, where I dissect the grand claims made by Susan Peirce Thompson & compare them to the actual research. We also chat with Martina, an ex-Bright Liner, who shares her story.

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Bright Line Eating: Rezoom Part 2

In Part 2 of our series on Bright Line Eating, we chat with highly regarded neuroscientist Dr Sandra Aamodt about the neuroscience of body weight. The weight loss industry like to tell us that what we weigh is a matter of personal choice, when in reality, our bodies have a “defended weight range”, commonly known as the set point, which resists weight loss. On diets, our bodies release a whole cascade of hormonal and physiological processes which take us back to where our bodies feel comfortable. We also talk about how food addiction – is it real? Or are the people pushing these ideas just peddling a re-packaged eating disorder?

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Bright Line Eating: Rezoom Part 1

Welcome to our digitally remastered and updated series on Bright Line Eating. This is a super extreme diet cult which cherry picks neuroscience to convince people that they are ‘food addicts’, selling one of the world’s most restrictive (and expensive) diet regimes to keep people hooked on the dream of achieving ‘goal weight’. Bright Line Eating is the lucrative brainchild of neuroscientist Susan Peirce Thompson, a charismatic saleswoman who holds nothing back when it comes to the hard sell. In Part 1 I ask who IS Susan Peirce Thompson – a food addict who has finally found the answer to her addictions, or someone who is still desperately stuck in her eating disorder? DO NOT MISS this story, it’s a ripper!

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How To Spot Fake Weight Stigma With Dr Fiona Willer

Talking about weight stigma is suddenly all the rage! But does this mean we’re truly tackling the issues? True to form, diet culture is selling us a carefully crafted narrative about weight stigma IN ORDER TO SELL MORE WEIGHT LOSS PRODUCTS. Join me and anti-diet dietitian and slayer of weight science Dr Fiona Willer, who has developed a weight stigma BS detector which we can ALL USE to separate the facts from the fluff.

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Weight Stigma Is Not A Weight Loss Strategy

A recent article in Medscape which claimed that a “self talk overhaul may help patients achieve weight loss” was fury catnip for Louise, who followed the trail and found herself knee deep in a truly unhinged research paper. Weight loss researchers are now adding what they call ‘weight stigma’ training to their weight loss programs and the results are nothing short of mind boggling. Spoiler alert: weight stigma is NOT a weight loss tip! Data resistant weight loss researchers are desperately trying to protect their failing paradigm, and we’re now in a bizarre new world where an experiment on weight bias is itself riddled with weight bias and will in fact worsen weight bias. None of these researchers can see the forest for the trees.

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