Incredibly Stupid Ways to Melt Belly Fat

In diet culture, the competition to sell us stupid weight loss products is fierce. Weight loss is a massive industry, worth an absolute mozza to entrepeneurs keen to take advantage of our cultural obsession with thinness. It’s a tough sell, because literally no weight...

Fierce Compassion

I have just returned from a week on retreat with some of the wonderful members of our UNTRAPPED online program. 22 of us – members and guides – spent the week together at the lovely Gymea eco-resort, in far Northern New South Wales. It was a lush, tropical...

​The Fast Track Trial Part 3: Pushback

Something incredible has happened since I last wrote to you. I started a petition to bring attention to the Fast Track trial and its dastardly plan to starve our teenagers. And it went viral – as I write, the signatures stand at almost 20,000 people...

Starving Our Teenagers: Update on The Fast Track Trial

A little while ago I posted about the horrendous “Fast Track to Health” trial, where plans are being finalised to make Australian teenagers intermittently starve themselves in the name of research. These unfortunate kids will be compared to another group of teens...


Happy New Year! I have had a wonderful break from work for almost an entire month, and I’m really feeling refreshed and ready to take on 2019! I hope that you were able to rest, relax and restore as well. I have all sorts of plans for this year, centred around themes...

Season’s Shriekings

(TW – more swear words, plus an overuse of shouty capital letters. I need a holiday). It’s at the point now where I actually need to write a list of all of the diet culture bullshit that is annoying me. I’m so swamped with things to be outraged about that my...