by Louise Adams | 14 Aug 2018 | Blog
Last week I promised to tell you about something that happened at the Australian & New Zealand Association for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) conference which got me seriously fired up. As I explained in last week’s newsletter, the theme this year was “Courageous...
by Louise Adams | 7 Aug 2018 | Blog
I arrived home late on Saturday night after the 2018 Australia & New Zealand Association for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) Conference, finding my 2 little girls were still up waiting for me. Although it was nearly 10pm, I was so glad they were awake, and I simply...
by Louise Adams | 31 Jul 2018 | Blog
I’m in the final stages of preparing a workshop I’m presenting later this week at the Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) conference in Melbourne. Alongside the fantastic Janet Lowndes, psychologist from Mind Body Well (and one of our...
by Louise Adams | 24 Jul 2018 | Blog
Last weekend there was a flurry of media on the topic of CHILDHOOD OBESITY (again), with the usual talk of ‘crisis’ , ‘prevention’, ‘tackling’ and ‘combatting’ kids in larger bodies. Why is this language always so hysterical!? The headlines were strident: “Weigh kids...
by Louise Adams | 17 Jul 2018 | Blog
I can’t believe I am still talking about toxic gym culture, but this week I was contacted by Mamamia to comment on Aaron Cartright, owner of a South Australian gym called “Harden The Fat Up”, who decided to market his gym’s ‘21 day body transformation package’ with...
by Louise Adams | 10 Jul 2018 | Blog
This week on the All Fired Up! podcast I chatted with Jodie Arnot, body positive personal trainer from The Moderation Movement and one of our UNTRAPPED guides. We spoke about how gyms have become diet central, with all of the major chains promoting various $plans$...