WW is Fake News

(*Swear warning again – sorry, I really couldn’t hold it in) They’re at it again! The bullshit artists formerly known as Weight Watchers are disguising their advertorials as ‘news!’ I‘m not exactly surprised, but CRIKEY this grinds my gears. I don’t click on...

The Bachelor Body Transformation Invasion

**TW – I get sweary in this post, I just couldn’t help it! Ever since The Biggest Loser’s Michelle Bridges made squillions from selling her 12 week online starvation program, reality tv shows have become a launching pad for young, plastic surgeried sexbots...

Weight Loss “Shaming”

Radio host Mel Greig recently wrote about feeling ‘’shamed’ for posting about her weight loss on Instagram, after she came across this viral meme: The woman who posted the meme is Jameela Jamil, a British television and radio presenter, model and actress. She’s...

The Good Sh*t

My latest episode of the All Fired Up! Podcast has to be heard to be believed. I chatted with Jessica Campbell, a nutritionist & medical intern from New Zealand, who was venting her outrage at an awful documentary that’s been airing there.  “The Good Sh*t,”...

Curiosity versus Judgement

When people come to see me, they’re usually in a pretty bad place. It’s a big decision to come and see a psychologist, and I admire every single client who is brave enough to walk through the door and ask for help. I have noticed that whatever issues people are...